Brush your cat before bathing (knots are more difficult to untangle when they’re wet).Now, the most important thing is to properly prepare so that the bathing experience is as comfortable as possible for both you and your cat. However, we recommend being absolutely safe and only using our Baby-Unscented Pure-Castile Soaps to bathe your cat. Bronner’s soaps is around 1 or 2 percent, hardly enough to cause problems for a pet. To be clear, these oils generally only present a problem when they’re undiluted and come into contact with a cat’s skin-and the concentration of essential oils in Dr. These include eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, lemon and orange oil. The number one thing to be aware of when bathing your cat is that essential oils are potentially toxic to cats. The reality is that some breeds do require regular bathing, while others may have a medical condition, or simply may have gotten into something sticky.Īs a rule of thumb, consider bathing your cat about once per month, with extra washings thrown in if they get particularly dirty. Some of you are probably wondering whether cats need to be bathed at all-after all, they’re well-known for their meticulous grooming habits and their violent dislike of getting wet. Bronner’s-use 1/3 cup in a top loading washer and add 1/2 cup vinegar to the rinse cycle (halve these measurements for an HE washer). Make sure to also wash your pet’s bed and bedding frequently with Dr. Also, the soap does not kill the flea eggs, so the best approach once you know your pet has fleas is to bathe your pet frequently, so that you are killing off newly hatched fleas. Once the animal’s skin-fur-feathers dry out, the soap will have no effect on fleas. Bronner’s will kill fleas, but only when it comes into contact with them while they are wet.

First, a general word about treating fleas on any animal.